Friday, July 30, 2010


to keep coming up with things I haven't done before and I didn't write an entry for two months! WTF? So I'm just gonna write about whatever the hell I feel like and keep calling it thingsiveneverdonebeforetoday. Sometimes the theme will comply, sometimes maybe not so much.

The weather was so nice today.
I walked Paco.
I ate healthy.
I went to the gym.
I worked on Kiam biz.
I took a nap.
I wrote an article for
Tomorrow I work at Fela, my first shift as a (sub)bar manager. Movin' on up.
Found out a couple of days ago I'm gonna have a song on the show Sons of Anarchy this fall. I had never heard of it before, but it sounds pretty cool. It's about motorcycle gangs! How is it that I end up with music in shows about ghosts, gangs and murderous weekends?
Also, I wrote and recorded a new song for a friend's new webzine. more on that soon. it will be a free download probably available in sept.

ok, time to do something else now.